Ever had a problem you couldn’t solve, very like a rubix cube that makes you feel like you need to be a scientist to complete it? We have all been there at some point or another and our QDek brand is very much like the scientist, there to solve your problems and put all the squares back to the right place.

QDek is a unique roofing adhesive system that is engineered to suit your needs. We work with you to find out what your challenges are and to provide the solution to your adhesive problems. Similar to David Singmaster book Notes on Rubik’s Magic Cube that you work through to solve the puzzle of the rubix cube. We also have the solution to your adhesive issues and will work with you through our Dream, Develop, Deliver process to ensure you end up with the right product to meet your needs. We also provide continuous support which includes technical advice so you never have to worry about your adhesive again. Interested in finding out more? See below for more information.




We dream with you to remove the pains you find in your current systems, so you no longer have to worry about your adhesive. The first part of the process is we work with you to build a criteria that looks at the issues you are facing and how we can help eliminate them, these can include:

•         User Pain.

•         User application error.

•         Site adhesion failure.

•         Storage and freight issues of hazardous products.

•         Health and Safety issues.

Once the criteria has been built this is then inputted into our online Qualification/Criteria build management tool which you the customer have access to. This means that you have 100% Visibility and ensures you always have full transparency as we work together towards your dream.



We extensively test and develop our adhesives to exceed expectations and guarantee you always receive a quality and durable product. The next step in the process is working with you to find the product that is most suited to your application needs. This includes:

•         Extensive testing ensuring a quality and durable product.

•         Create your own bespoke customer colour, custom coded product or adding a new product to our existing range.

•         Pull, Shear and wind-uplift testing.

This means you will always have a product that is guaranteed to work specifically for your requirements.



We deliver peace of mind through a continuous package of support and fully warranted system. This is the final part to our fantastic process and include the below:

•         Locally stored, easily accessible stock.

•         On-site training and demonstration.

•         Maintenance and technical help.

•         Instant video chat and messenger services.

•         Online video training.

•         Life time Adhesive Warranty.

This means you are never far away from technical support or have to wait for you adhesive to arrive on site, as its available at a local store near you.


As you can see the process is very simple and means you always know where you are at any point in time. Looking again at the rubix cube, with the right support you will always find a solution to the problem and a completed cube. This is the same for our Dream, Develop, Deliver process where our fantastic support will allow you to achieve your dreams.

We are attending the RCI Show on 1st and 2nd November so why not book an appointment to come meet us or find our more about QDek below:

If you want more information why not get in touch with our sales team here:

Email – [email protected]

Telephone – 0845 381 2233

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